Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Immigrant Affairs

The Real Deal about Women in the 21st Century


In 2008, the United States of America had a woman who ran a successful bid for the highest position in the land. And yes, while Senator Hillary Clinton did not win, she ran one of the toughest campaigns in the history of this nation.


Women and men of the current era often feel that the struggle for gender equality is not a number one priority on the social agenda any longer, as it was 40 or 50 years ago because women are better off today. They often forget that their mothers and grandmothers were the ones who bore the brunt of an era where women were treated unequally...

Read more: The Real Deal about Women in the 21st Century




Q. I just received the school year calendar from my kids’ school. On the calendar is a “back to school night.” What is it and is it important for us to attend? Also how can I ensure that my kids have a successful school year?

A. Yes, it is important and yes you should definitely attend. First, you should attend as many school meetings as possible. They not only keep you informed but allow you to provide your ideas and concerns. Back to school night is a general meeting that has the following purposes: you get to meet your children’s teachers, principal and other important staff, academic standards and expectations are outlined, homework expectations are presented, behavioral issues are addressed, parent expectations are outlined, specialty staff are...

Read more: ASK LISA-ANNE August 11


Should I Resist or Avoid?


All of us in life at one time or the other have gotten to the crossroad of resistance and avoidance; it is our reality however that often times we do not know what to do. By the time you finish reading this article, you would know what to resist and what to avoid in Jesus name.


What is resistance?

The word ‘resist’ means to “withstand or strive against or oppose” - push / fight against something or someone.


What should I resist?

The bible says we should “…resist the devil, and he shall flee” – James 4:7

It also says we should resist the devil, our adversary, during trials and temptations – not to succumb to his roaring – and God will strengthen and settle us. – 1 Peter...

Read more: Should I Resist or Avoid?


MARRIAGE – The way it is meant to be


Over a number of years I have had the opportunity to speak to different women from different nationalities that are living in different countries about issues that confront us as women in marriage.

One of the most prominent issues is that love is missing in the equation. The reason that many marry is based on lust, economic or social reasons rather than love, and when the reality of everyday life sets in after the wedding ceremony, the novelty wears off and problems start.

Many marriages are of convenience. Every woman must examine her motives for entering into a marriage relationship because any other reason other the perfect will of God, genuine love and attraction to each other which is referred to as chemistry, usually leads to a lifetime of heartache. That...

Read more: MARRIAGE – The way it is meant to be




Maintaining a healthy weight has become the focus of many, as health implications of obesity are now better appreciated. As was discussed in the first part of this article last month, abnormal loss of weight is unintended/unplanned weight loss. Finding the cause can pose a diagnostic challenge. Several medical conditions present as weight loss which can pose challenges at making diagnosis. It is extremely important to give the doctor as accurate a history as possible to assist in planning a systematic approach at investigating the cause. Unintentional weight loss becomes a concern when someone loses up to ten pounds in one month or experiences progressive decrease in weight over several weeks or months.

Like we did last month, we will look at more scenarios that cause weight...



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