Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Immigrant Affairs

ASK LISA-ANNE November 11


Do you know if your child is thinking about or having sex?

Q. As a teacher in a local public high school, I fret everyday when I see the sexual behaviors amongst students as they travel the hallways.  These behaviors include but are not limited to groping, kissing, hugging and grinding.  I don’t think many parents realize how much their children know and are doing concerning sex.  This is especially true during the time that school is out and parents are not home!  What can parents do?


A. These are...

Read more: ASK LISA-ANNE November 11


When They Stooped Low


Satan dangled Uriah’s wife, Bathsheba, before David. She was like a ripe apple, so ripe that David could not resist! Yes, David saw a naked woman bathing, desired her, committed adultery with her and finally committed murder in order to have her for himself! No matter how much of a celebrated beauty Bathsheba was, David was not supposed to covet her. Didn’t he know the law? Didn’t he meditate on the law day and night? Didn’t he swear to keep the law in his heart? Didn’t he have his own wife? I believe that David’s encounter with this woman was not entirely coincidental or accidental. Bathsheba was a daughter of Eliam, one of David’s bodyguards. This lady was also a wife to one of David’s chief army officers. There is no way she could be such a total stranger who’s...

Read more: When They Stooped Low


Wives Who Disgrace their Husbands


May God not let me be partial in giving out His Word because we serve a God who is not partial in His judgment. I love women and I love being a woman but boy oh boy, some women deserve the whip when it comes to the way they deal with their spouse. What has gotten me so inflamed are just the real life stories that I hear sometimes about the treatment that some women give to their husbands just because they have an upper hand financially, emotionally and socially. Before you get riled, let me just say that I know that men are mostly the culprits in this area but I find out that there are women who match them blow for blow.  What does the word of God say?

In Genesis chapter 2 verse 20 of the Bible, when Adam had given names to all cattle, birds of the air and every beast of...

Read more: Wives Who Disgrace their Husbands


Are you Paying Enough Rent?


As a nation, we have become in many ways, conscious advocates for the respect of individual and collective rights. As a result we live in a society where pets, trees, and humans all seem to have the same rights. The advantage is that this heightened awareness of the boundaries of respect that we should have for fellow humans, animals and nature has made us more compassionate and more aware of the need to protect the rights of the vulnerable amongst us. As an outcome of this heightened empathy, the development of organizations that seek to provide protection through education and advocacy for the rights of specific groups is on the rise. Nevertheless, we sometimes seem to forget that responsibilities are a fundamental part of rights. We cannot defend or protect rights without...

Read more: Are you Paying Enough Rent?


Your Situation is Better Than That of Many



Hello Mr. Famuyide,


I have been subjected to a similar situation as described in the case for CSS that lasted 20 years before it was finally settled. My situation is a little bit different as I went out of the country on parole and upon my arrival; I found that I had been deported due to revoked CSS cases in Feb. 1998. Not only that, I was also barred for 5 years from entering the U.S. illegally. Now I live in Canada as a Canadian citizen and visited US many times as the bar has been lifted and the waiver has been granted. Do you think I have a chance of getting green card? Please provide your thoughts. I greatly appreciate your time.




Thanks for your mail. I must say that your situation is...

Read more: Your Situation is Better Than That of Many


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