Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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Dear Reader: Are you by any chance a person who expects some good things to have happened to you by now? Do you feel that age is no longer on your side, time is running out and there seems to be no indication of any light at the end of the tunnel? May be you have even thought to yourself that God did not tell you things will take this long before they start to fall in place. Let me admit to you that your feeling is natural and you are not alone. You may think that your achievements in this country ought to be greater than it is right now. You may even begin to wonder if God knows you exist or if He still answers prayers. Well, I have good news for you. Although your feeling is natural, the supernatural God remains on the throne and He is able and willing to help you. Although you are not the only one feeling this way, I want to assure you that God has no pleasure in your suffering and He alone is powerful enough to get you to your destination. On this note, I’d like to discuss Habakkuk 2:3 with you.

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