Saturday, September 21, 2024
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Eagerness of God

The Herod of your life


Dear Reader, in case you feel that you have a Herod in your life, I would like to share this message with you. It is taken from the story we read in Matthew 2:1-13; then you’ll see that our Lord Jesus Christ also had a Herod in His life.

I want to depict Herod as a type of

  1. Influential persons (people who could actually affect one’s life, either by way of position or proximity – Herod was in the position where he could order a person killed.
  2. Persons who pretend to love you or be your friend...

Read more: The Herod of your life




Peninnah could be as wicked as she would, but as long as Hannah hid in the LORD her wickedness was useless. So long as Hannah had a shelter in the LORD the devil’s darts were fruitless. Hannah would not bear the affliction alone, it was too severe and relentless, but when she went to the house of the LORD she got help. What you are facing right now might be too much for you to bear, take it to the LORD. Many times I have hit a stonewall and more often than not I could not do anything on my own to help myself. There are times when I knew clearly that all possible efforts had been exhausted. But thanks be to God because every time I turn to Him, He helps me. I bless His holy name. Do you know how to turn to Him? He can hear the cry in your heart. He can see your wounded heart. When you...





Today I want to talk to you about prayer. What is prayer? We find the example, necessity, style and time of prayer from someone who is not supposed to pray. Then the challenge we have today is if the one who was not supposed to pray can pray, then you and I are guilty in the area of prayer.


Who is the one that needed not to have prayed? - John 1:1-5

The one who was not supposed to pray is the One who had power over all things;

The one who was not supposed to pray is the One who forgives sins;

He loved God; He was the representative of God; He Himself was God;

He left His seat of glory in order to come to the seat of suffering;

All things had been put under His dominion; He remains the head of the church;

He is...

Read more: Prayer


The Herod of your life


From the story we read in Matthew 2:1-13 we see that our Lord Jesus Christ had a Herod in His life.

I want to depict Herod as a type of

1.      Influential persons (people who could actually affect one’s life, either by way of position or proximity – Herod was in the position where he could order a person killed.

2.      A person who pretend to love you or be your friend but is actually seeking for your destruction. These are deceitful and pretending people; Herod pretended as if he wanted to worship Jesus.

3.      Persons who are close to us and know our strategies and lifestyles – (Joab) 2 Sam. 3:22-30

4.      People who are life wasters; even though you are trying to help them. Herod did not mind killing the...

Read more: The Herod of your life


Recipe for Long life, Riches and Honor



Everybody in life searches for the recipe to use in order to live long while enjoying riches and honor at the same time. Just like you, I am one of such people. Thank God, we need to search no further. I have the recipe now and I am glad to share it with you in this write-up.

The recipe is in the book on your shelf. Yes, in the book. “Which book?” The BIBLE on your shelf, in your hands or pocket book, under your pillow, in your vehicle and where else you keep it.

Open your bible to Proverbs 3:13-20 and you’ll see the recipe for long life, riches and honor spelt out right there.

It reads thus: “Joyful is the person who finds wisdom, the one who gains understanding; For wisdom is more profitable than silver, and her wages are better than...

Read more: Recipe for Long life, Riches and Honor


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