Wednesday, July 03, 2024
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eagernessˍofˍgod.jpgFrom the account of Acts 5:1-11, we can understand the source, nature and result of lying. Many Christians do not think anything about lying, “after all its just part of survival,” many say. Well, you may say so but I believe there is something a Christian who lies should know.


Isn’t it so fearful that the Holy Spirit, just for mere lying, could sentence a couple to death? Yes, Ananias and Sapphira conspired to lie concerning their belonging. That’s all, and they got the death penalty. No one forced them to lie, they were the ones who agreed with other Christians to sell whatever they had and share the proceeds with others so that no one would lack. But after they had sold their possession (land), they allowed Satan in their hearts, who suggested giving only a portion of what they made – and present it as if it were the whole; after all they owned the land. The Holy Spirit detected this lie and sentenced them to immediate death. This is how badly God hates lies. These people were Christians who thought a little lie won’t do any harm but they got the surprise of their lives. Are you a Christian who thinks nothing of lying? You’ve got to read this:


Who is a Liar? You are a liar if:


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